Like the point of the supported spindles, the cups are turned from the end grain of very hard, dense wood (usually eastern or sugar maple) for smoothness and longevity.
8 in stock
We have two types of these in stock. One is for a table top or you can make it into a bean bag and have it on your lap, the other is for having in your lap. Hint: To make the table top into a cup for in your lap I just took a couple bean bags, wrapped them in a facecloth and used a hair elastic to secure them together.
Additional information
Weight | 35 g |
Dimensions | 30.4 × 7.6 × 7.6 cm |
Sugar Maple | These cups can be used on a table top. You can also attach them to a soft based item to give them more versatility. I used a bean bag wrapped in a facecloth and held on to the cup with an hair elastic. |