Spinning Cups – Table Top




Like the point of the supported spindles, the cups are turned from the end grain of very hard, dense wood (usually eastern or sugar maple) for smoothness and longevity.


8 in stock


We have two types of these in stock. One is for a table top or you can make it into a bean bag and have it on your lap, the other is for having in your lap. Hint: To make the table top into a cup for in your lap I just took a couple bean bags, wrapped them in a facecloth and used a hair elastic to secure them together.


Additional information

Weight 35 g
Dimensions 30.4 × 7.6 × 7.6 cm
Sugar Maple

These cups can be used on a table top. You can also attach them to a soft based item to give them more versatility. I used a bean bag wrapped in a facecloth and held on to the cup with an hair elastic.

About Ed Pretty

I am a professional woodturner, specializing in gallery work, commercial work, teaching and demonstrating. I have been turning since 1958, so... a long time. I use this site to present my work to the public at large and to let people know that I am available for teaching private lessons in woodturning. Wood turning is one of my passions (the other is motorcycle touring). It is my desire to pass on everything that I have learned over the years to others so that the craft of woodturning will grow.
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