Now, moving on to the Supported Spindles.
Like the drop spindles, the whorls are all balanced prior to assembly and the finish is a friction polish. The “nub” or point that supports the spindle is typically the end grain of a very hard, dense wood. Holly is my wood of choice, but I use other similar woods that are equally resistant to denting and general wear. The tips on my supported spindles are rounded to provide a steadier spin than can be attained by a sharp point. Like the drop spindles, the shaft is a dense, close-grained hardwood and has two grooves for catching the yarn. The finish is Danish oil. The taper at the top functions just like the taper on the drop spindles, taking little effort to flick the spindle while providing a high-speed start. When the yarn has just the right amount of twist inserted, the spinner will hear a subtle clicking sound as the fine point of the spindle shaft flicks against the twist in the yarn.

What we have in stock at the moment is a variety of sizes and weights. All whorls are made of Figured Maple and the shafts are usually made from Eastern Maple or Black Walnut. They are all balanced for top performance.
Prices for these right now are $75.00 CAD.
Check out our store for ordering on line, or you can contact us directly and we’ll arrange for shipping or pick up.
Spinning Cups for Supported Spindles
We have two types of these in stock. One is for a table top or you can make it into a bean bag and have it on your lap, the other is for having in your lap. Hint: To make the table top into a cup for in your lap I just took a couple bean bags, wrapped them in a facecloth and used a hair elastic to secure them together.
Like the point of the supported spindles, the cups are turned from the end grain of very hard, dense wood (usually eastern or sugar maple) for smoothness and longevity.

Prices for these right now are:
$25 for table top and
$35 for lap. All in CAD.
Check out our store for ordering on line, or you can contact us direct and we’ll arrange for shipping or pick up.