This demo focuses on turning between centres, showing traditional techniques that make replication much easier than most turners believe. I presented this demo at the AAW 2018 symposium in Portland, Oregon.

My woodturning roots are in spindle turning, learned from my father over 60 years ago. Most treatises on spindle turning include the use of patterns, often frightening people off rather than encouraging people to try turning multiples. Also, modern pattern lathes, and now CNC lathes, have led to the notion that every single piece must be identical. In traditional turning, pieces appear to be the same but are not absolutely identical, taking away the fear that “I could never turn two things the same”. Trust me, you can.

The key technique is the use of a “story stick”, which I will demonstrate making and in use. I show a variety of calipers with their own advantages and disadvantages.
I will explain and demonstrate techniques for making the three elements in spindle turning – beads, coves and barrel shapes – and the tools used to create them. Pommel cuts are an integral part of spindle turning using those shapes, so that will also be demonstrated.
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