Recently I came upon a new wood supplier – or rather he came upon me. The burls that were the subject of a recent post are an example. I have at my disposal an endless supply of figured maple of the highest quality for about a third of what I usually have to pay. The only hitch is that it is all green. To that end I recently converted a fridge to dry bowl blanks and although it works fairly well, three months to dry is now too long. Between this incredible opportunity for beautiful wood and the increased volume of work that I am having to put out, it would seem that I am going to have to find another means.
Considering that, I picked up a dehumidifier the other day and made plans to build a dry kiln using it as the drying mechanism. I should be able to build the kiln and have it in operation in a few days. Hopefully I will be putting wood through at a rate that I can have what I need when I need it..
As always, any comments or criticism are welcome.