Tools for Fiber Artists

Recently I was asked by a fiber artist to make drop spindles. I had never heard of them before, so a little research was in order. My first impression – from photos – was that it was no more than … Continue reading →
Drop Spindles
As promised the new spinning tools! Lets start with the Drop Spindles. Click here for more information.

Supported Spindles
Now moving on to Supported Spindles. Click here for more information.

Spinning Cups for Supported Spindles
Let’s not forget the Cups for the Supported Spindles. Click here for more information.

Ring Distaves and Nostepinnes
Tools no spinner should be without, a Ring Distaves, or Distaff, and Nostepinne. For more information click here.
Ring Distaves

For more information, click here.

Yarn Bowls
Last but not least today is our Yarn Bowls. They come in three different sizes, small, medium and large.
For more information click here.

New to Ed’s repertoire, Spinning Tools!

Ed has started something completely new and we are very excited about it! I never would have expected this line of artwork and tools. He has, with the continued help of a couple of new friends, Kim and Diana, developed a line of spinners tools.
So far he has developed drop spindles, supported spindles and cups for both lap and table top, nostepinnes, and ring distaves. Just last week he designed a new niddy noddy and is working on some dizzes next.
He has also been making some yarn bowls that are very useful to any fibre artist, or those who just knit or crochet for fun now and then.
Stay tuned, I will be writing posts on each of the items in the coming weeks. It’s hard to keep up with Ed as he is turning, turning, turning which keeps me very busy.