A blast of colour

Well, I’m back. Haven’t posted for a while so I thought I would plug this in real quick-like.

This video is (almost) totally unrelated to turning. It is, however, completely related to what I do after I finish a turning. This is an awesome video; short, abstract and extremely powerful for such a simple visual effect. I use dyes extensively and the way the colours combine on screen reminded me very much of mixing and applying my dyes. I don’t usually have such cool music on at the time unfortunately.

Copy and paste the link below to your web browser.

About Ed Pretty

I am a professional woodturner, specializing in gallery work, commercial work, teaching and demonstrating. I have been turning since 1958, so... a long time. I use this site to present my work to the public at large and to let people know that I am available for teaching private lessons in woodturning. Wood turning is one of my passions (the other is motorcycle touring). It is my desire to pass on everything that I have learned over the years to others so that the craft of woodturning will grow.
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